Occasional Contributor
since ‎03-23-2021

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  • 10 Posts
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  • 1 Kudos given
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On a new computer with Win 11 on it, Shipstation does not work with a DYMO M25 scale. My old machine has Win 8.1 and the scale works fine with it. In settings / Shipstation Connect, the scale 'seems' to work fine in that the DYMO shows up in the list...
I'm trying to convert my old cart to PrestaShop. Installed the ShipStation module on a test site (a subdir of my live site), followed all the instructions to set it up, but [Test Connection] insists there is a 404 error. I'm certain the url is correc...
Under Carriers & Fulfillment > Settings -> Update Payment, I keep getting the error:"An error has occurred. undefined" when trying to update my credit card. Anyone know why?
Since yesterday, my orders from cs-cart have not been importing into shipstation. This has worked fine for the past 10 years or so until yesterday. I've made no changes at my cs-cart end. There are no errors. It just says there are no orders awaiting...
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