06-06-2022 08:23 AM
We are using shipstation to integrate orders from Shopify to Amazon FBA.
Can shipstation sync inventory levels from Amazon to Shopify?
06-06-2022 12:54 PM
Hello there @Noamaterian,
As the integrations are currently setup, ShipStation will not sync inventory levels between Amazon and Shopify at this time.
06-06-2022 12:59 PM
Thanks for the quick answer.
Is there any way to sync inventory levels from Amazon back to Shopify using Shipstation, or any other app?
06-06-2022 01:32 PM
Not to my knowledge right now, but if any other community members know solutions that have worked for them, I would love to hear! 🙂
08-26-2022 05:50 PM
Inkfrog...but it's not fun.