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Status: Under Review
Sending Delivery Confirmation data back into our stores order details would provide great benefits. We do not consider an order to be complete until the order as been delivered and neither does most banking/credit institutions like PayPal. Sending Delivery Confirmation details back into our order details on our store will allow us change the status to Complete. It will also allow us to provide automated follow up emails with customers to ensure that their order meets their needs. We can't send an email asking how their order turned out without first getting confirmation that the order was delivered.
First-timer (legacy)
For my use case, I need to be able to trigger various business processes when a customer receives their order. The UI doesn't help me, this needs to be automated. Currently, there is no way to get around this limitation.
First-timer (legacy)
This would save a lot of time. For instance, we use Opencart as our marketplace which is hooked up to shipstation. We currently have it set to post back to Opencart as "shipped" when we print a shipping label. This saves us a lot of time so that we don't have to go back into opencart and mark every order as "shipped" once we hit the printing label. It would also work wonders if it would post back to the marketplace once the order is delivered so that it would automatically mark the order as "complete". We could then send automated emails to our customers as a follow up ("Thanks for your order. We hope you enjoy your product. Here's 10% off your next order. Please leave a review!" etc. etc.) Instead of us manually going into shipstation, tracking the order, making sure the order was delivered, go back into opencart, mark the order as "complete", then send the emails. It'd be a lot easier if Shipstation could post back automatically.
Another benefit to this feature would be automating alerts when a package is lost or delayed in transit. Regardless of your marketplace, admin users could easily setup a an automated alert when the order hasn't been marked as delivered after X amount of days past the shipment date. There is a lot of automation that could be done for the store owner if we can just simply have ShipStation update the order status with a Delivered Status.
The lack of not having this feature is something that has caused me to look elsewhere for my shipping options. I consider this to be an invaluable asset that helps ShipStation customers increase orders. When we can receive delivery confirmation updates in our storefronts we can then remain in contact with customers about the order they just received. This allows us to provide coupon codes for repurchasing or perhaps the customer the customer will reply to reorder more. Alternatively maybe the product was damaged or missing and a replacement is necessary. Some customers simply do not contact the company and instead shop elsewhere but by having an automated process to send customers a followup email on their order is very important. For this to work we need to first receive notice in our storefronts like Magento and Shopify about the order delivery status. Another possible solution: Post all data that shipstation stores and receives in a platform so that we can develop our own API to push and pull whatever data we want. That would include the pulling of Delivery Confirmation Status.
First-timer (legacy)
Yes please, i also need SS to fully integrate with PayPal. Currently SS does not integrate fully with PayPal and we are forced to manually add tracking info one by one to each order in PayPal. SS developers, please integrate with the proper PayPal API to make this happen.
First-timer (legacy)
We are having our online store on Woocommerce and it is integrated with Shipstation. We need this feature too as we shouldn't enable Return process to start unless product is actually delivered. 1- Shipstation is already having open channel with Woocommerce and sends Shipped status to Woocommerce 2- Shipstation is already having event trigger (sending email) when order is delivered 3- You can use same trigger in step number 2 and send through same channel in step 1 just a status update. That will solve many issues and would be a quick win to Shipstation.
Status changed to: Under Review
New Contributor


New Contributor

+1 - We need this feature; will move elsewhere if needed.

New Contributor

100% this is needed