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First-timer (legacy)
Status: Under Review
Because this original request I made for this was closed when an unrelated feature was introduced, I'm creating a new one. I would very much like to be able to have the automation in ShipStation be able to print. This would allow me to have it automatically print all new orders that have downloaded, so that warehouse personnel know an order has come in when the printer starts spitting out packing slips. This is something we're used to having in a different product we switched from to ShipStation and it's the main thing we miss. With printing being done through ShipStation Connect now, this should be entirely possible too. The other thing that would have be added is another feature that ShipStation really does need anyway: an indication of some kind that an order has already been printed. This would allow automation to "print all unprinted orders" as well as greatly reduce the possibility of orders being double-packed when more than 1 person is working shipping. We've had this happen multiple times simply because there's no good way to tell when an order has already been printed right now. Thank you!!
First-timer (legacy)
Same here regarding auto packing slip printing, it should have been implemented.
First-timer (legacy)
Same here regarding auto packing slip printing - I don't need to auto print labels. Thanks!
First-timer (legacy)
Not sure how this is set as completed? The answer is labels when the question was packing slips. The Quickship printing is the best. However when an order is imported into Shipstation i believe the question is : As a part of the automation of orders can this trigger a printing of packing slips so low level pickers can just grab a sheet of paper off the printer and start packaging up the order. This person was hoping for two packing slips automatically. That would be next level automation. I think a ton of people voted for this but it is not active yet to my knowledge. Please reactivate this issue. I want this feature for Saturday or Sunday guys that cannot even click a button in the software. I know it seems silly but papers sitting on a printer would be awesome. Thanks for the consideration.
First-timer (legacy)
It'd be awesome if every time ShipStation loads in new orders from a selling channel (i.e. Etsy), it would auto-print a shipping label using ShipStation connect. This would make it easier to keep track of how many orders need fulfilled.
First-timer (legacy)
Hi! So, to clarify, you would like to have an automation process to have ShipStation automatically send a print job to the printer to print out the packing slips once an order imports into ShipStation?
First-timer (legacy)
Yes. We have a DYMO 4XL printer that's connected to the computer (which is always on) and on ShipStation Connect. When orders import, if they automatically printed their packing slips, it'd be super awesome :).
First-timer (legacy)
Yes, I would like to have an automation process to have ShipStation automatically send a print job to the printer to print out the packing slips once an order imports into ShipStation.
First-timer (legacy)
This would be great!
New Contributor
This is such low hanging fruit - come on ShipStation. Order comes in -> packing slip auto prints via ShipStation Connect -> warehouse received packing slip -> picks and packs order. This would require such minimal development effort given the infrastructure already in place, and is a no brainer in terms of necessary functionality. Is this being worked on? Is anyone listening? Please respond.
New Contributor
I don't think it's necessary to over-complicate this process. Whenever an order comes in - the packing slip auto-prints to the designated ShipStation connect printer. If orders are printing overnight / over the weekend they can be picked up off the printer first thing Monday.