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New Contributor
Status: New

I'm looking for a line of code for custom packing slip template that will total the order qty for  the same item (either by name or SKU) when it appears as separate line items on the order in Shipstation.  Basically, due to some of our other applications, shopify order edits, and discount codes, there are sometimes orders from our Shopify channel that will display in Shipstation as :
Product A x1

Product B x1

Product C x1

Product A x1

All I want is:
Product A x2

Product B x1

Product C x1





I'm having the same issue as well. Would this be addressed? 

Howdy yall! 


I definitely see why this would be desired. I think the intention behind this is to display precisely how the information is sent to ShipStation but I certainly understand the want for this adjustment!