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Status: Under Review
I'm fairly new to ShipStation, but it seems one of the obvious enhancements would be to allow customization of the packing slips without needing HTML skills...essentially, exactly the same interface available to edit the email templates.
First-timer (legacy)
Yes I agree adjusting packing slips is very important. I don't have time to learn HTML i'm too busy running my business. Please if you can make it easier for us to adjust packing slips please do it. thank you.
First-timer (legacy)
Would love to have that, too.
First-timer (legacy)
Yes! please, this should be a standard by now.
First-timer (legacy)
We need a visual packing slip designer for those of us not fluent with HTML, or any computer language of that sort.
New Contributor
I had to get a staff member to do it because I could not figure out your HTML editor (and I have built multiple web sites, although I am no programmer). Your HTML editor needs to either accept third party edits so we can use a wysiwig editor or you need to build one in. I am interest in putting more graphical items on my packing list as well as my shipping label. For example, Bold, Italic fonts in Colors. Some of the most important things are visual instructions that can grab peoples attention - 90 percent of people will not read a shipping label instruction or packing list instruction. You can look at my current packing list or shipping label for examples - I provide instructions I need the receiver to follow if the box is damaged - I want them to notice that as soon as they look at it.
First-timer (legacy)
Simple as that. Your email template editor allows the user to view via the HTML editor or an easy editor - why can't the packing slips have that too???? ๐Ÿ˜ž
First-timer (legacy)
In the interest of time, a WYSIWYG editor would shave hours off of time for myself. We have to create a packing slip that is unique to each client, and just being able to drag and drop fields would make my life so much easier!
First-timer (legacy)
'@Admin - the idea of adjusting the label location on integrated packing slip ( ), could be combined into this idea, once WYSIWYG is implemented. I would really like to see this happen, sooner rather than later.
New Contributor
I will add that I have recently realized it would be good if this option was available for your label printing feature as well - I print a custom script on all my shipping labels in BOLD font - "See packing list instructions if box is damaged" - right now I have no option to modify the font - if available I would print that instruction in Bold, underlined, red font so it would stand out on the label and be the first thing a receiver sees.
First-timer (legacy)
Its a little confounding to not have a WYSIWYG editor in this day and age. Its 2016 guys! Time to implement this, stat! I had to log in remotely on my day off to make the change because my mom- my business partner- needed to change a time-sensitive message that was on all our packing slips.