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Filters don't work?

Occasional Contributor

has anyone else noticed that there is a BIG problem with the filters..


1, when you say to give all orders that EXCLUDE a certain tag, it actually gives you the ones that INCLUDE that tag.

2, if you say to match all the following : tag = 'Backorder' and tag = 'Contact Customer'   it returns tag='Backorder' OR tag='Contact Customer'


I'm trying to setup a filter that gives me all of a certain type of order that doesn't have the backorder tag, and it doesn't work.. HOWEVER, it DOES work in the legacy version.. so they truly broke something on the so called "upgrade"..


Super User
Super User

I just want to say that I have tested these things and you are correct! I will look into submitting a bug report.

Occasional Contributor

3 weeks ago, I told them about this, they sent me a response to my ticket saying it was going to be sent to the development team for escalation and that it should take 14 days or less to get resolved.. it's 20 days later still no resolution..


I tested it just now, and they have fixed excluding tags in filters!

However there is still no way to filter for for orders containing multiple matched tags (it searches for either or as you put it)

Occasional Contributor

right, but that being the case, exclude still doesn't work then.. because I can't say give me all orders with tag "first class" that don't have tag "backorder" because then it treats it like an "or" and gives me either first class or backorder (not even excluded)

Totally, yeah. At the very least it isn't "bugged" anymore, but I agree it is missing a lot of functionality!

Occasional Contributor

it isn't bugged when using it alone.. that's the only thing that was fixed..

Occasional Contributor

I guess my biggest complaint about this is.. if it works on the old version.. can't they just copy/tweak the code from that rather than having to try and re-invent the wheel.. (I've been coding for 35+ years.. code in 27 different languages and have "been around the block" a time or 2..) 😛