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Orders from one selling channel showing as $0


We've encountered a problem with orders from Home Depot, one of our selling channels.


Since around April 3rd, all orders have been showing a price of "$0" when sending them to Connex and Quickbooks.


All orders before that date show the correct price and orders from our other sales channels (Wayfair and Unbeatable Sales) also show the correct prices.


I don't know what caused the problem but I'd really appreciate some help figuring out what I can do to fix it.


Here's an image of my Store Setup in ShipStation:



And these images are actually from Connex, but they show the difference between correct orders that show the right price, and the ones from Home Depot that show as "0":




Any idea what's causing this and how I can fix it?


Hey there @jrodefeld


Thanks for joining us in the community. 


This isn't a behavior I am familiar with. I would recommend reaching out to the support team directly to check on and troubleshoot what is being sent from ShipStation. The tools they have will assist while In the backend of the account and will be vital to troubleshooting here. 

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!