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Request Fulfilment from a location

New Contributor

Hey everyone, 

I am new to ShipStation so apologies if this has been covered somewhere else (although I couldn't find it). We have two locations for inventory in Shopify (one in the US, and one in the UK). Our US warehouse ships US orders only, and our UK warehouse ships all other orders. Therefore, I need to find way send each of our warehouses a fulfilment request for orders pertaining to their region, which they can then complete through ship station - is this possible? Basically what I am looking for is an automation so that when a US order comes in, the US warehouse receives the fulfilment request email, which they can then complete through ShipStation. 

If you know any way to facilitate this, or perhaps a workaround solution, that would be great. 



Hey there CB2022, 


Welcome to our community! We are thrilled that you have joined us. 


When it comes to ShipStation accounts that operate out of different home countries, the two accounts would need to be separate accounts, currently. You would need a UK based account, and then separately, a US based account. 


From there, my recommendation would be to set up a couple automation rules in each account that would prevent orders from importing into both accounts. We definitely don't want to have duplicate orders flying around! These automation rules would be written so that only the proper countries could import into those orders. 


For example, if you know that the US based account will handle ALL US orders, you can write a rule that would look similar to this. Subsequently, the UK based account might look something like this


It is important to note that once an order hits a DO NOT IMPORT rule, that order can never be imported by that account. With this in mind, please take the extra moment to double check the rules before saving them. Certainly, if you'd like an extra pair of eyes when you go to implement those rules, or for further more in depth clarification of this workflow, you can reach out to our Support Department via chat or email to confirm that you are set up for success 🙂 


I hope this helps! 

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!