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Why Doesn’t ShipStation Support WebP Images Yet?

New Contributor

Hi Team,

I’m reaching out to express my frustration regarding ShipStation’s lack of support for WebP image formats. WebP isn’t some new or niche format—it’s been around since 2010, providing superior compression and faster load times compared to JPG or PNG. Most major platforms (including WooCommerce and even WordPress) fully support WebP, and it’s quickly becoming the standard for modern web development due to its performance advantages.

Yet, ShipStation seems stuck in the past, only displaying JPG images. When I contacted your support team to ask if WebP support would be added, I was met with dismissive and unhelpful responses, essentially redirecting me back to WooCommerce. The problem isn’t WooCommerce—it’s that ShipStation refuses to recognize WebP URLs and display those images in its system.

As a long-time user of ShipStation, it’s disappointing to see how out-of-touch the platform feels when it comes to modern web technologies. Creating separate JPG versions of every image just to work around this limitation adds unnecessary labor and storage costs for businesses like mine.

I urge ShipStation to prioritize WebP support and align with modern industry standards. Please let us know when we can expect this feature—it’s long overdue.

Thank you,



Hello @ABG!


Thank you for your post in the community! We’ve escalated this to our developers for review and truly appreciate the detailed information you provided. Your feedback helps us continue improving, and we're grateful for your input!


Happy Shipping!



Occasional Contributor
