Showing ideas with label automation.
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Problem: A user, who may only access orders and shipments assigned to them, creates a new order in a manual store. As soon as they create the order -- Boom, it disappears out of view, and they can never see it again. Why? It isn't assigned to them. And there is no option for assignment in the order creation screen in manual orders. One possible solution: create an automation rule where orders are automatically assigned to the user that created the order. But user-that-createed-the-order is not a possible field in the criteria section. Another possible solution: allow this assignment by default, where a user is allowed to access orders that they themselves created. In either case, please help. Thank you.
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I think it would be amazing if we had an email marketing feature added to Shipstation. I feel the need to email feedback requests to my customers 1 week after package delivery is confirmed but currently can’t figure out a way to integrate my email marketing service to do that. I am currently sending feedback request emails manually after a week and it’s not efficient. If we have email marketing option native to Shipstation, that would be awesome! We can nurture and increase sales!!
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