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Status: New

It would be nice if there was a column to show if packing slips have been printed for open orders. That way when new orders come in, you know which ones need packing slips printed. It would help in my workflow at least. 


I know you can see if a packing slip has been printed on the shipments page, but that's only for orders that have already been shipped, as I would want it on the open orders page. 

Occasional Contributor

Has anyone heard an update on this feature? I found another idea that is supposed to be for this same feature, and it is marked as complete. However, I don't see any way to show a "Packing Slip Printed" flag on the "Awaiting Shipment" page. 


The other idea that was marked "Completed" is Add "Packing Slip Printed" column to Orders section




I agree this feature is needed. My company's process is to print packing slips in batches, pick the inventory, then ship using the Scan to Verify feature. This happens multiple times throughout the day. We keep a written log of the last order number printed so we know where to begin printing the next batch. However, for various reasons, older orders are imported late (fraud checks, other holds on the order), which means their order number is in the range of a batch of "already printed" orders. We have no way to identify these orders aside from discovering them still sitting in Awaiting Shipment a day or two later. If the Packing Slip Printed column was in the Orders Tab, we could probably do away with the written log and we would not miss the orders that imported out of sequence.

Occasional Contributor

We need this for our workflow.  Please implement it.


We need this feature also so we do not double print orders. Should be standard by now as so many other shipping software that we've used had this feature or would automatically print when new orders came in.

New Contributor

Yes we need a way to show if a packing slip was printed.  

Please put "Packing Slip Printed" status column on Orders page.



We also need this feature. 

Just to add to this request,  it would be great to also see it in the log of the Order Activity Tab in the order detail so the timestamp of the packing slip print would be there so users can know when a packing slip was printed and by what user/station.



We also need this feature.

Just to add to this request, it would be great to also see it in the log of the Order Activity Tab in the order detail so the timestamp of the packing slip print would be there so users can know when a packing slip was printed and by what user/station.

Occasional Contributor

We could really use this option as well. The problem we have is when new orders come in for the day and we have multiple people printing packing slips, they arenโ€™t always printing them in order from oldest to newest. Since we have multiple people pulling, packing, and shipping we canโ€™t tell which ones were printed and are in the process of being picked or still sitting on the line about to be shipped. Come on ShipStation get this done!

Occasional Contributor

please make this hjappen


Are you guys seriously sitting on this feature for 10+ years? Can you please implement it?