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Shopify not showing as inventory source under 'Ship from location'

Occasional Contributor

I have shopify integrated with shipstation for many years and I am trying to show my shopify inventory in ship station. According to all the documentation I should be able to do this by adding a "Ship From Location" with my inventory source set to shopify. When I do this and try to select an inventory source, Shopify is missing from my list. I went to Inventory sources and made sure my shopify location was added.


Occasional Contributor

Reported this issue to Shipstation today too and support was not helpful, so I asked for them to escalate it to senior support, but I gotta say I'm so glad this isn't just happening to us!

If you use the old layout, you can click 'Test Connection' on your store in your Store Setup section and you'll get an error, ('We received an error from Shopify: Unable to get store token for seller:xxxxxx store:0') so they obviously did an update and screwed something up massively. Hoping other people upvote this so it gets fixed asap!

Occasional Contributor

Thank god it's not just us. The support was horrendous. They refused to escalate it and kept sending me to the same guide links which i clearly implemented already.  Please let us know when you get a response back. Thank you!

Occasional Contributor

Its showing up for me now, but when i go to Products and add the column "Total Available"  it's not showing me inventory counts. Not sure if there's some sync time, but it shows in orders now