07-16-2023 07:12 AM
So I have been having carrier adj from UPS that I also did not discover until March of this year and lost about $300.00 because my time to make a "claim" had passed 90 days. First how does a consumer know that these adjustments have happened, two how do you know that you only have 90 days to make a claim. Then to add to the insult. 99% of the adjustments are incorrect!!! I make items that are shipped in large boxes, but only way about 5 - 7lbs. However, UPS uses a DIMS calculation and says that a box that is 24 x 18x 4" should weigh 14lbs. UPS then randomly charges me the shipping cost difference plus a adjustment fee. I have been working with Shipstation about the issue. I have supplied ample proof including photos. Have spend hours providing proof and sorting through the mess. UPS comes back with a stock answer, we calabrate our machines daily and this is what your package weighed!!! and refues to return MY hard earned money. I have no choice but to consider passing the unfair adjustment cost to my potential customers and then also probably costing me business. This is not only unfair, but discriminates against small businesses like mine. I can promise you Amazon does not have this issue. I have no problem paying for what I have agreed to pay for. I plan to take this all the way up the food chain. Please link to me if you are having this same issue.
09-20-2023 11:16 AM - edited 09-20-2023 11:18 AM
This just happened to us as well. We received an email this morning about some adjustments ShipStation was in the process of making to our account from May and June (no other information provided). When we started looking through the reports, we realized there were actually a lot of adjustments being made to our UPS orders. We had largely switched from shipping FedEx to shipping everything UPS with the supposedly great rates "UPS by ShipStation" was providing. Now we have a huge list of adjustments, most of them not in our favor; and most of them with a $12.75 upcharge. And most of the adjustments on the report don't even say why the adjustment was made! After chatting with ShipStation, it turns out our only recourse is to dispute the adjustments through them without even knowing why they were made in the first place. So in short, UPS can show whatever price they want for "UPS by ShipStation" rates, make adjustments later without giving you a reason, and then all you can do is blindly dispute it. ShipStation can try to wash its hands of this all it wants, but that's an insane way to operate. This means that most of our savings since switching to ShipStation were actually losses on most packages. When I select UPS Ground for a small package with a given rate of $8, I should feel pretty confident that the price is correct. Someone should have to explain this.
04-25-2024 09:23 AM - edited 04-25-2024 09:23 AM
This exact scenario is happening to us - I wish I had seen your post earlier. In the last 90 days we were charged $800+ in additional shipping fees, which UPS took out of our stamps.com account, unbeknown to us. This seems illegal and I am trying to escalate via Shipstation with very little help. Shipstation should not be quoting prices for shipping if the quotes are not accurate. We know our dimensions are correct and UPS seems to be accounting for space taken up on the truck for each box. If anyone makes headway on this issue, please keep me in the loop. I plan to escalate and seek legal counsel. Thank you.
04-25-2024 12:47 PM
Hello SraVer!
Thank you for your post and bring up your concerns. I know unexpected shipping adjustments can be stressful and frustrating to a company. The one resource we can give is setting up a view so you can view your adjustments and all charges from within their Shipstation account by producing the report for stamps in our UI. You can do this by navigating to SETTINGS>SHIPPING>CARRIERS>clicking the settings next to USPS and selecting to view reports. That will drop them into stamps where they can view all adjustments and reasoning for them.
I hope this helps, and as always, please feel free to reach out to support@shipstation at any time for any assistance you may need.
Happy Shipping!
04-25-2024 02:07 PM
This leads me to only a list of my deposits and shipping transactions. This does not show any detail on the adjustments. Am I missing something?
04-25-2024 01:07 PM
I am also having a nightmare of a time with this. I have spent nearly a month trying to figure out how to even view UPS adjustments and no one at ShipStation support can help. Where are you seeing adjustments?
04-25-2024 01:11 PM
They do not make it easy, however, I called Stamps.com and they provided access and printed me a report of 90 day history. Apparently, in working with Shipstation, you automatically get a stamps.com account, which is where the money is managed. I had never logged in over the 3 years we had it, until I received an email telling me my account was in overdraft. This made no sense since SS doesn't let you ship if you don't deposit enough into your account. Then I realized that the UPS illegal withdrawals directly from Stamps is what was putting my account in overdraft. It's maddening and I am on a mission to fix it now.
04-25-2024 01:12 PM
Have you figured out how to export the data? I found the list, but to figure out what shipments the adjustments correspond to I have to click the link of each individual one. There has to be an exportable report somewhere.
04-25-2024 01:17 PM
I had the stamps.com rep run the report and email it to me. The format is a pain so I had to manipulate in excel, as shipstation has their own format they want it in when you file a claim. The other bummer is you can only go back 90 days, but the report they send has everything you need.
04-25-2024 01:22 PM
Were you able to see the adjustments broken down with information you can actually manipulate, or was it a list you had to manually click through still?
04-25-2024 01:27 PM
It was an excel spreadsheet with a unique line for every original charge or label, and a line for every adjustment with adjustment reasons. They sent it as a link but when I opened it I could manipulate it in excel. Mine was titled Customer Postage Adjustments (APV).xlsx
04-25-2024 01:37 PM
They won't even give me that. I'm thousands of dollars in the hole and have to manually click every adjustment to figure out what's going on.
04-25-2024 01:44 PM
I originally called and they logged a ticket on my behalf and then emailed me from support@stamps.com. I started out asking for a password reset and then the person was helpful so I asked her to help me generate the report.
This is so crazy - should be a class action law suit.
04-25-2024 02:03 PM
P.S. Stamps.com 888-434-0055
I had to call because I didn't know my password as I never logged in. You will need a username -shipstation can provide- but I found an email in my inbox from when I signed up with SS that had it. You can search on "Your Free Stamps.com Account is Now Active" ,in quotes to find this email or start with SS to get your username. I did find stamps.com to be helpful but they punted it back to SS when I escalated the issue.
04-25-2024 01:14 PM
P.S. Stamps.com 888-434-0055
I had to call because I didn't know my password as I never logged in. You will need a username -shipstation can provide- but I found an email in my inbox from when I signed up with SS that had it. You can search on "Your Free Stamps.com Account is Now Active" ,in quotes to find this email or start with SS to get your username. I did find stamps.com to be helpful but they punted it back to SS when I escalated the issue.
12-19-2024 03:56 PM
Ahh, yes, seems I have just been thrown into this boat also. I have looked at our adjustments for the last year, and it would appear the UPS has really upped their game in recent months. We had been shipping in a cardboard tube to save us time and trouble with some fragile items. Little did we know UPS does not like anything that is not a rectangle. Not even our UPS drivers were aware. Well, each time this was a$13.95 fee, but recently they upped this to $23.90!! We thought our total for the shipment was $12. Needless to say, this was an expensive lesson!!
Expensive lesson number 2 - Pretty much any international shipment via UPS will see some adjustment fees. Plan on at least $6, but sky's the limit!
USPS adjustment fees are very interesting. While most of these are small, we see adjustments for weight corrections. They don't tell us what the correction was, but we are very accurate with weights and dimensions on our shipments. Was surprised to find them giving refunds, pretty sure that is a mistake. But sadly many times they are taking additional payment. The most annoying of these is them claiming we have shipped a cancelled label. But if you search shipstation for that label number, nothing. If you search USPS, then it shows the label as created, but not shipped. Uggh!
My BIGGEST complaint is that Shipstation is aware of these charges. They have very well hidden these charges. They say they are working on solutions, but even in their reporting area, it says you can see your adjustments, but you can not! You have to go through the USPS carrier options to get into the reports, and then narrow that down to the transactions, and then from there you can click on a link, copy and paste the tracking number from that window and search for the shipment in shipstation. (Really, can't even have it do this for us?)
Shipstation MUST give us better reporting, and should automatically send out an email each month to alert account holders of these fees. We should not be finding them months or years later!
I am sorry, but I really point my finger at Shipstation here. They supply the USPS and UPS accounts for me, and they do not make this rather massive added expense clear at all. Had they done this simple thing we could have adjusted our shipping years ago and saved thousands of dollars. Really has me second guessing my years of commitment to Shipstation.
12-27-2024 10:23 AM
Hello, @wayne3!
Thank you for your post in the community! I completely understand how frustrating this situation must be. As a company, we recognize how unexpected costs can impact your business. After reviewing our Help Center, I found an article that may provide helpful insights and strategies to address and minimize carrier adjustments. Shipstation Carrier Adjustments article.
I hope you find this helpful!
Happy Shipping and Happy Holidays!
a month ago
The article you linked to at least explains how to find these very hidden charges. But Shipstation is breaking Texas consumer laws, by offering a service for a displayed price that does not match the price ultimately being charged. This is absolutely criminal behavior, and a cute little article isn't going to cut it as a solution. I had a domestic shipment, with the weight and dimensions 100% correct, and I was originally charged $8.34 - this is only around $2 more than Priority mail through USPS so I figured I would give it a shot. But then, unknown to me, an additional $23.90 was deducted from my account without reason or notification. That is criminal behavior. Specifically, TEXAS BUSINESS AND COMMERCE CODE TITLE 2 CHAPTER 17 SUBCHAPTER E Sec. 17.46 "(24) failing to disclose information concerning goods or services which was known at the time of the transaction if such failure to disclose such information was intended to induce the consumer into a transaction into which the consumer would not have entered had the information been disclosed;" I would have NEVER used UPS if I had known it was going to be over $32 to ship a poster domestically. And there were dozens of other shipments I found where the price magically went up by over 200% after I purchased it, without notifying me. This is robbery, and quite frankly I don't care if UPS is to blame because Shipstation is also at fault for facilitating and allowing this criminal behavior to occur on their platform which is in the state of Texas. Looking at this forum, people have obviously been experiencing this criminal behavior for several months now. The time to fix it is YESTERDAY. The only reason I even knew about this criminal theft of my money is because I got a notice about "overdrafting" my Shipstation account, which shouldn't even be possible.
a month ago
Yes, already well aware of that article.
Question for you - Why doesn't Shipstation simply inform us when these carrier adjustments pop up? Why in the world would you not want to help out your customers?
Sadly I am still getting hit with the $23.90 adjustments even though we stopped shipping in tubes 3 weeks ago. Uggh!
I keep informing our UPS drivers about the hidden expense of shipping tubes when I see they have picked up some from neighboring businesses. They always seem surprised even though I have told them prior.
a month ago
Don't ship in tubes with UPS. That is exactly what that $23.90 service charge is from. anytime you are not shipping a standard box with UPS you are at risk of this fee. Shipstation has a box you can click for irregular package and it will adjust the quote price. 😞