Im using shipping easy for the last few weeks - its not perfect but its
definitely not as frustrating as this V3 layout. If it ever gets fixed
or gets rolled back to V2 I think ShipStation is a bit nicer (and the
mobile version is way better than Shi...
Yea you can kind of fight it and try to enter the info while its trying
to refresh , but its super laggy and if you move even remotely quickly
through the fields you will get an error when printing label and itll
say either the package type is not se...
Try shippingeasy - I just set it up for 1 store and its pretty simple,
and 10x quicker. I dont know if it has all the advanced stuff
ShipStation had if you have a complicated setup, but if you want to just
print labels fast and not fight the interfac...
Check out ShippingEasy - I've been on ShipStation in multiple businesses
for 10+ years and Im done over this V3 stuff too. I mean its literally
almost unusable between the slowness, errors, not printing labels, not
sending notifications, no support a...