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Hello amazing community members, 

We are absolutely thrilled to share the news of our latest addition: Product Bundles! This is an exceptionally exciting moment for our community, as it stands out as the most discussed and highly appreciated idea to date. What makes it even more special is the fact that many of our community members played an exclusive and integral role in both the development and beta testing of this fantastic feature.

With our latest update, you can now easily create a single SKU to represent your bundle product. This SKU will encompass all the individual product SKUs that make up the bundle. These individual product SKUs will be referred to as "component items" within ShipStation when they are associated with your bundle. This streamlines the process and makes it clearer to manage your bundled products.

With Product Bundles You Can: 

  • Split ship any of your component items. 
  • Track component inventory in ShipStation.
  • Display all of the SKUs associated with this bundle as component items on your picklist to make the picking and packing process easier for your team. 
  • Display either the product bundle or each individual component on your packing slip for your customers. 
  • Externally fulfill some or all of your components.

This feature is currently available for all North American accounts with a Gold plan or higher. If you want to learn more you can check out this help center article.

Again we want to thank all of our community members for being a part of making this feature a reality. Whether you commented, voted, provided direct feedback to our developers, or were a part of our community focused beta; we want you to know that none of this happens without your participation and passion for the product. 


Hi @Manager-Erin 

This is a great feature that I am pretty sure most of the Shipstation users have been waiting for.

We have over 1000 SKUs. There is no way that we can enter components for over 1000 bundles. Can you please make export and imports file available for bundles as well? When would it be available?

Best regards.

Occasional Contributor

I set up many bundles yesterday and it works great for the pick list and processing orders. However it messes up the reporting. 

The main issue I see is that we cannot set a price for each item in the bundle. When you run a report the items show they were sold for $0.00. I don't think we can use this feature until this is fixed since our reporting will not be accurate. 

Either the reports need to use the bundled SKU and full price or we need a way to set a value or percentage of the value that each item represents in the bundle. 

I would prefer a percentage of the bundle per item, that way if a bundle is put on sale ShipStation could accurately assign a price to each item.

Occasional Contributor

Wish this was available to Silver Plan subscriptions.... and extra $40 a month for this one feature is pretty high. Would be great if this was an A La Carte add-on feature to at least the silver plan..... at this point, I can't even try it to see if it would work for us.

Occasional Contributor

As @brandons said, it is a great feature but unusable for anyone who relies on ShipStation to provide sales data. It either shows $0 on the items sold, or it shows the full order price for every item. Agree with ideas of having the value percentage specified in the bundle, and having an option in reporting to "show bundle sku."

Occasional Contributor

Same issue here with the value showing as £0. This means we're unable to create international labels (as the customs forms would show £0 value) so we have to manually add the value to the bundles.

Hopefully they can find a fix for this soon.


I have been a loyal ShipStation user since 2017 and have always appreciated the value your platform provides in streamlining our shipping processes. However, I wanted to share some feedback regarding the recent introduction of Gold member-exclusive product bundles.

I must say, the concept of product bundles is something I've been looking forward to for quite some time. It's a much-needed feature that could significantly benefit my small business. Unfortunately, as a small business owner, I find myself facing a financial challenge with the Gold membership pricing.

The cost associated with the Gold membership is currently beyond what I can comfortably budget for my business. While I understand the need for premium features and services, the pricing structure has placed this valuable feature out of reach for me at the moment.

Additionally, I was surprised to see the additional $40 fee for using our own shipping carriers. As a small business owner, I often rely on specific carriers that align with my budget and service requirements. This additional cost has added to the overall affordability challenge.

I want to emphasize that I genuinely appreciate the quality and efficiency of ShipStation's services. Over the years, your platform has played a crucial role in my business operations. However, I hope that you can consider more flexible pricing options or tiers that cater to the needs of small businesses like mine.

I understand that premium features come at a cost, but I believe that making these features more accessible to a wider range of users, especially long-time loyal customers like myself, would be a win-win situation for both ShipStation and its users.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to my feedback. I hope that, in the future, I'll have the opportunity to benefit from the new product bundles and other advanced features without stretching my budget to its limits.


Amy Hale ~ Hale Bound Co

New Contributor

So I'm evaluating ShipStation Bundles.  Thus far it is pretty easy to use and I like having the import ability as that will be key to our deployment.

However I'm not seeing anything in the API so I can do some other work in our inventory system based on what shows up in ShipStation.  I'd like to know if items in the order are based on a bundle.  My work around is to add an additional line item to the Bundle that indicates it is a bundle.

Finally, am I able to do some automations, like tag an order, if it had Bundles in it?

New Contributor

Does anyone know how to get the bundle to show on the shipping queue, instead of breaking the order down into components? I am not worried about the packing slip, as we left that box unchecked. But ideally the 'bundle' would show as the line item in the shipping queue instead of the list of components/quantities. We mainly are looking to use the bundle feature to track inventory.


Hello @kaedotyoung!


Thank you for posting in the community! It looks like you're already working with support on this issue. They’ve requested additional information from you to help troubleshoot your questions.


Support will be able to help you! 


Happy Shipping!

