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Packing Slips for Amazon Sales

New Contributor


We are a new-ish Shipstation user but a long standing Amazon Seller. We have moved most of our shipping to shipstation. We still print our packing slips on Amazon as this is what we have always done in the past however there is a benefit to us for starting to use Shipstation for the packing slips instead. We are a bit nervous thinking that Amazon may not be happy with us using a 3rd party for the packing slips and they may wish us to only use their own. Can any other Amazon sellers confirm that it is ok to use 3rd party (ie Shipstation) packing slips to replace Amazons? I can't find the information on Amazon Seller Central. I may need to ask around there but i thought i would ask here too. Thanks in advance


Hey there @DnG


I haven't heard of anyone being penalized or anything of that sort for using our packing slips! With that in mind, I absolutely understand the desire to confirm with someone that is actively doing so! Hopefully, our community members will see this and be happy to directly confirm. 


Happy Shipping! ๐Ÿ™‚

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!

Thank you, Moderator Davis. Yes exactly, if we could confirm that other Amason Sellers have switched to Shipstation packing slips without issues we would feel more confident in doing so ourselves. We wouldn't want to break any Amazon policies or anything like that. I'm guessing that as long as there are no messages trying to switch people to ordering directly etc we should be fine but we wanted to check first. 

Occasional Contributor

We've been using SS for our Amazon packing slips for years without problems.  Just be sure to follow their TOS and you're fine.


As long as you do not display any info on the packing slips that go aganst amazon TOS then you are good. We have been using Shipstation labels for many years to ship amazon orders.

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