05-08-2024 01:53 PM
So here is an idea... instead of setting the shipping label date in the label print settings, why not have every label go on today's manifest up until the EOD is closed out and the manifest printed?
This would account for carrier pickup time fluctuations much better than picking a sort-of-when-they-pick-up time in the label print settings.
I recently learned that due to my label cut off time being 12:30PM and my USPS pickup being 11:30AM, that hour every day was not captured on either today or tomorrow's manifest, resulting in 10-15 tracking numbers just showing "Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item" for the 3-5 days it takes USPS to scan it at their nearest distribution center (which for me just happens to be the dreaded Palmetto, Georgia one).
Today I changed my label cut off to 11:30AM... but if USPS picks up earlier than that, any labels from pickup to 11:30AM will fall into this same no man's land of not being captured by either day's manifest.
I've used Shipstation for 10 years and I never had an issue with this until Palmetto opened... which seems weird that I've never noticed it before... did Shipstation change how the EOD worked at some point? If so, please change it back!
01-16-2025 09:52 AM
Agreed. We're running into an issue with that as well. Some days USPS picks up at 12:00, others they pick up as late as 3:00. This should be a required feature.