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WooCommerce Live Rates Integration

Occasional Contributor

WooCommerce accounts for more than 30% of all E-Commerce Stores. Why is there still not a plug-and-play live shipping rate integration? I've seen previous posts, but it's time that those who require these features are given what they ask for. You gave it for shopify, and Shippo gives it for Wix. You don't realize the convenience this would serve to those who appreciate your platform and use woocommerce. God Bless. 


Hey there @AmirKhan


I definitely understand the desire behind this request and have made sure to share it with the team.


As soon as I hear any news about live rates being available thru WooComm I will surely let the community know ๐Ÿ™‚ 

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!


Agreed. This must be a top priority for ShipStation and WooCommerce. Do we have any information about whether or not this is even being developed?

Howdy @LHMS


I know this is something that the team is working to achieve, but I have not been made aware of what stage of production we are in at this time. While this may not be the answer that you want to hear, I am simply wanting to be as up front to my full knowledge as I can. 


As soon as I have any additional information to share, I will surely share it here ๐Ÿ™‚ 

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!

Not happening


I currently use Multi-Carrier ShipStation Shipping for WooCommerce and it worked well. That is until I recently moved to a new server. Now I get a 'No Shipping Options Available' notice at checkout unless I reset the API both in Shipstation and the PlugIn daily. Never had the problem before. I tested with the

UPS Live Rates and Access Points plugin and had the same problem. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there another option for live Shipstation rates?

Occasional Contributor

One more "Us Too" on the live shipping quotes.  Would love to get any input on timeline or roadmap for this.  You've got it for the other platforms, for goodness sake.

If another shipping provider can get this to us, and there's no word other than, "we're thinking about it", we'll have to switch shipping software.  This is already being evaluated as an option.

New Contributor

I cannot believe Woocommerce is stalling on Shipstation live rates integration. I had it good on Shopify.  This has been a nightmare since moving my site to woo.  I was informed last week that there is NO plans to make this happen in the near future.  I'm looking for a new shipping provider after 20 years with SS. I cannot take the insanity anymore.


Let me know if you find a better solution !! ๐Ÿ™‚


Can we please get a woocommerce live rates integration? You are holding many of us back.

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