We sometimes have customers in Canada (when shipping through Fedex) who have their own brokers for customs clearance. It would be nice if we could add this information to their shipping information.
We're shipping to a company in Canada and FedEx is not authorized to clear their shipments. We need a way to add a Customs Broker to these shipments... PLEASE!!
We plan to ship to a company in Canada who requires us to use their Customs Broker. Please add the capability to add a Customs Broker to international shipments.
It seems crazy to me that this is not a standard functionality of ShipStation, other shipping software's have this as a native functionality given so many people need this. Please add this as its been out here for several years now....
Yes, this needs to be added. Customers have been asking for this since 2017. Reading the idea forum I get the idea that ShipStation unfortunately ignores these requests.
Thank you for your post in the community. For situations like this, carriers usually list themselves as the customs broker. In ShipStation, we can only apply the tax identifiers. Itโs possible they may be missing a required customs form or not closing their shipments properly before sending them out.
I recommend gathering stuck orders and taking screenshots of any correspondence with the carrier regarding these delays. This will help us get a clearer picture of what's happening. Once you have this information, please contact our support team at support@shipstation.com so we can investigate further.