As part of our business we have customers return us packages all the time and we would like to automate an email to be sent to them once we mark their package as received in ShipStation.
It would be great if, when receiving returns in ShipStation, you had the option to notify customers using a form template. This way the customer knows the status of their return.
The ability to setup an automation for when a return is marked as 'delivered'-- such as 'send an email' (created in the email template area) to customer saying their item has been received and will be processed. Notifications to staff would also be helpful-- such as 'alerts' like "3 new returns were delivered". So they know to look for them or reach out to the carrier if there are issues.
Shipstation reently added an automated delivery notification email that customers get when a carrier delivers a package. The RECIPROCAL of that upon a return would be helpful, namely an email (based on a new template) that the customer gets telling them their return was delivered to the return shipping address. That seems like the most basic notification and it gives the customer the quickest assurance their return reached the destination. The idea of an email once the return has been "processed" seems different to me. That could be the refund notification email or something else which is an action taken on a return.
I would love to be able to create a rule that allows me to notify a customer that a Return has been received per your new Returns enhancement instead of having to manually have someone do this.
YES! In our business we provide a service with a finite turnaround time once we receive their returned product. It's imperative the customer knows when their product has been returned. The idol user experience would be to get that notification via email upon receipt.
An option like this would be extremely beneficial to our returns process. This would help our customer service department as well as a significant amount of customer service inquiries are about whether or not returns have been received.
Having an email sent to the customer once the return shipment is marked as received would be great! As of this writing, Shipstation even automatically marks orders as received if the label has tracking.
Additionally, it would be really helpful if this received status could be used as a filter and criteria for order automation. This way we could filter through returned shipments quickly, add tags, send email alerts, etc.