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First-timer (legacy)
Status: Completed
We want the FROM address set to our domain so that 'via' does not appear on gmail. We also want to include your spf/senderId records in our spf/senderId records, have the email signed with our DKIM key and have the links use our subdomain instead of Here's how this works on a few of the major ESPs: This will significantly improve deliverability and professional appearance. Best Regards, James Fredley VP of Marketing Technology FilterEasy
First-timer (legacy)
That is the crux: "Because of ShipStation, and ONLY ShipStation, I am forced to set our DMARC policy to none. I would far prefer it be set to Quarantine, but I don't have a choice in the matter." Virtually every other service that is sending email on our behalf has SPF or DKIM record settings available.
First-timer (legacy)
This bug report (yes, it’s a bug report) honestly makes me wonder if ShipStation is a zombie company. If they aren’t working on this big of an issue, what are they actually doing?
First-timer (legacy)
'@David Lots of these tickets make me think this. We are actively exploring other shipping options, you can't be a software company and be this utterly unresponsive for years to basic things and expect to grow forever.
First-timer (legacy)
Wow! Look at how many people are following this thread to respond quickly at the small activity I started. I think I might post a screenshot of this thread to their social media and tag the, perhaps that will get their attention! I also ended up using Zapier to make custom email notifications connecting through API. You would think they could have at least done that and made it a plug and play zapier integration. Let's see if they respond when this gets more attention. If you're following, throw another comment on here, Let's keep bumping this.
First-timer (legacy)
I just tweeted at them (and Shippo, Ordero, ShippingEasy, etc.) and asked if any of those companies are able to develop this feature and take care of their customers. Let's see if we get any traction with that. I encourage you all to send a tweet to them. You can re-use this one: @ShipStation @shipstationhelp has a non-existent support for their customer requests. What other companies are out there that respond to their customers' needs and wants? @goshippo @ShippingEasy @ordoro ? Can any of you develop this feature? (
First-timer (legacy)
Email deliverability is a huge issue. It's a headache and unprofessional having to tell people, "Hey check your spam, our shipping partner won't update their email sending capabilities so all of the emails we send you look like spam." What other shipping platforms support this functionality?
We've added the IP address range that's sending the emails and hope that our delivery will improve... We shall see.
First-timer (legacy)
'@GPZ: Care to share the IP range? Thanks.
New Contributor
It doesn't really look like anyone is paying attention to this thread. It's actually so easy to fix, i can't believe we're being ignored.