Combined Shipping need a button for Undo combined shipping that will reverse the process back to the original order # and keeps the original shipping details and order.
PLEASE make this feature! Not only for all the reasons others have posted but we have clients that may have multiple orders, each with backorder items. When we've tried to combine those backordered items (and this has happened more than once), Shipstation has then not only combined the shipments but marked ALL the items as shipped - so we then have to go back through all their client orders, figure out which items were shipped and which were not, and then manually create a new order for the backorder items. If we could just 'undo' the action, we could revert all the orders back to their original state if there is a combine error.
The system will let you combine multiple orders with different customers and shipping addresses without adequate warning. Is is quite easy to mistakenly select a random customer during the process.
How do I UNDO this? I split the accidentally-combined shipments back into the 2 orders, but when I changed the name on one, it changed it on BOTH. I can't get them separated! I tried, and when I changed the address on one of them it changed BOTH SEPARATED ORDERS to the other address. So twisted and turned around now! And notifying Ebay is going to be a nightmare (one of the ladies is going to get both notifications and be like "what the heck?")!!!!!
I am going to cancel my service with shipstation after 6 years if they don't add a undo feature for combined shipments ASAP. It's absolutely insane that they took the feature out. It used to exist and during one of the upgrades they got rid of it.