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Occasional Contributor
Status: New

I would like to be able to customize my Commercial Invoice (Other Forms) similarly to how most of the other documents have customizable options. I use ShipStation Connect to print all of my documents because it is very convenient.

Currently every time I print a Commercial Invoice it also prints a mostly blank page with a border that just says "Electronically Submitted" which is promptly discarded. 

It would be nice to select black and white printing. 

It would also be nice to choose to print multiple pages at a time as DHL requires 3 copies of each commercial invoice.

New Contributor

hello, bumping this thread again in need of the Ship To And Sold To sections to be different.  We need to be able to edit the Sold To section for certain orders!


We're in agreement with others that the commercial invoices should properly populate differences between sold to / billing and ship to addresses. We also use UPS and transmit electronically, but this disparity on the invoices creates issues for customers in some countries that end up wasting our time and make our company look sloppy when it comes to such details. Couldn't it be fixed with some simple logic on the order import?

Occasional Contributor

Bump as i need to customize my commercial invoice going from CA to USA with

The following: Section 321/ET86 provision.
I want multiple invoice based on the country we ship.

Hello Naak!


Thank you for your post! We appreciate this idea, but unfortunately, we don't control how the commercial invoices get generated. It varies so much from Carrier to Carrier. That is more than likely the reason as to why customization hasn't been offered. 


Keep posting issues you run into here in the community; seeing what each of our merchants experiences is always helpful! 


Happy Shipping!




I am bumping this topic again as this is still a major compliance issue when shipping internationally. 

As other posts have stated, often times the receiver of the package is not the importer of record/Sold To. The inability to make these changes causes major compliance issues, unnecessary communication that confuses our customers, delays in shipping, and incorrect charges. 

All major carriers (UPS, FDX, DHL) allow both the Ship To and Sold To fields of their commercial invoices to be edited, so this is not a limitation from the carriers but a limitation of ShipStation. The same information is needed: name, address, tax id...

Please add this one section so that all shippers can export correctly...


Hello, @OBships!


Thank you for your post and bump! While this change is not currently on our roadmap I have passed this along to developers for review. 


Happy Shipping!



New Contributor

We need invoice too. Yea generate a order summery or Packing slip kind of template with header "Invoice" and add price or cost so it's visible and let people customize it. This should be enough for most of people.  Thanks


US Customs entries continue to tighten their requirements. If, as SuperMgr-Sarah suggests, the commercial invoice is populated with details from Shipstation, the conclusion is to allow the "Sold To" information to be editable. Currently, its not.

With about 90% of our shipments from Canada going to the USA are over $800 USD, we have to revert to using UPS's shipping software, Worldship. Here, we can edit the commercial invoice inputs. Unless Shipstation can fix this, there is no reason to continue with Shipstation. For other Shipstation users, I would suggest you look at UPS's Worldship as an alternate. They've been making great strides over the past few years.

SuperMgr-Sarah - It would be nice to hear where Shipstation is sitting on this subject right now. 


Hello, @mrcpuet!


Thank you for your post and for sharing how this feature would benefit you. Weโ€™ve forwarded your request to the development team for their review. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!


Happy Shipping!





Hey everyone - i'd like to reiterate the importance in being able to edit the Sold to section on commercial invoices. We are based in the UK and our carrier is FedEx and are having similar issues. We ship hundreds of packages a day and use Shipstation with a connector (BSITC) from our inventory software as it is quick and easy.

We ship worldwide and have recently found LOTS of customs related issues when shipping to the US. The main issue we have is that even though we ship DDP to the US, where we cover all duties and taxes and are the importer (as noted on the CI) customs are stopping the goods and asking that the consignee provides more information for import. We have been told by a Global Support Specialist at FedEx, that this is because our CI shows our UK business as the importer of record, not our US address. These kind of delays of course slows things down and customers can get very frustrated.

We have a US entity, with a US EIN and address, and when creating labels on we can set a profile which allows us to edit the Sold to section and show all information customs is asking for. 

The problem we have is that is not user friendly (which is hilarious for a shipping company), or time affective and we would rather use Shipstation for ALL shipments. We cannot do this with our US shipments however as there is no way to edit the Sold to section. I understand this information comes from the carrier, but there MUST be a way for Shipstation to add a field where we can imput the Sold to details which could populate the Sold to section. Whether that be under Customs Declarations or adding code with a new "sold to address box" which gives us the option to add addresses on the Sold to Section. 

Please listen to your customers and make changes. For some there is literally no point using Shipstation for international shipping if editing the sold to sections can't be done. This is the most important part when shipping oversees and when the shipper wants to be the IOR.