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First-timer (legacy)
Status: No status
When a customer buys in dollars or euros from our site, it doesn't go through to the customs forms as dollars - it generates in GBP. A customer in the US spent in dollars (under $800) which shouldn't mean they have to pay customs charges (as I believe it is set at $800) but it generated the customs invoice in ร‚ยฃ (which then took the invoice over $800) and the customer has been charged $100 to receive their parcel. Please can you let me know why this has happened and if this is the case that all customs declarations will do this or is there a way in Shipstation to avoid this happening again? Ideally we want the customs forms to generate in the currency that the customer paid in so that we don't have to go in and work out the EUR/USD equivalents and change them on every shipment. I have noticed that it says to 'check conversion accuracy' but is this not something that is supported in Shipstation - can't Shipstation convert the currency into GBP if necessary?
First-timer (legacy)
On a Global market that we currentlyare, I do not understand as we can not indicate the currency of the transaction and be able to send the currency information when we do the customs declaration with our carriers, use it on commercial invoices or other documents. For some of the comments that I see, even the US companies export to other countries.
Occasional Contributor

Yes, I think being able to submit the customs value in the order currency would be an extremely important feature, as it shows the transaction value most accurately and takes out an annoying manual step in label generation, as you have to manually calculate the correct base currency value for each shipment. Other providers have no problem in showing the transaction currency instead of base currency in customs documents (e.g. starshiptit royal mail click & drop, ...)

Status changed to: No status

I agree this would be a very valuable feature. We currently sell globally in USD and EUR, in order to get the full benefit of the platform we would benefit massively from this addition.