Add Packing Slip functionality thru API
Would love the ability to generate packing slips through your API. currently that is not supported. really hoping you will add that functionality soon.
Bringing this back up. Currently, the testLabel flag on createLabel will print the entire packing slip, but turning this flag to false prints only the label. This "functionality" has led to wasted manhours developing label automation. The functionality is there, it needs to be opened up.
I would really love seeing that, we're now shipping all orders via API, but that comes to a cost of not having a packing slip
technically it could use the same settings as in the UI in document option
Not sure if related, as of now there is no option to retrieve Label Data (and packing slip) of an order already shipped in shipstation, would love to see that as well
This is an excellent endpoint to add to the API. Please!!! If we can't use Webhooks to POST to the private Shipstation API (because of ReCaptcha), please make the documents api endpoint accessible to everyone. It would help so many accounts.
Simply being able to retrieve the packing slip (and also the shipping label) data (base64 encoded) would suffice.
I prefer to print the document myself anyways :)
The label is retrievable when shipping the order, but not after. Not a huge deal, but the Packing slip doesn't seem to EVER be retrievable.
Since Shipstation is not providing additional documents such as Packing List etc for international shipment, did anyone implement custom packing list via programming. If so, what value did you put in the barcode. When we inspected the ShipStation Packing List, the barcode had a wired value
Adding here because I randomly finally had a feeling turned out right. @SH
The barcode is the order id encoded to hexadecimal with ^#^ in the beginning and ^ at the end. Lookup up decimal to hexadecimal converter for an example.
so an id of 11234567 in the api would be a value of AB6D07. So the barcode would be ^#^AB6D07^.