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New automation rule - length of customer name

New Contributor

Canadian user here. We use Purolator as our main carrier, and they only allow customer names to be 30 characters or shorter. Otherwise, we get the error message "Receiver Company is invalid"  when creating the shipping label.


Our orders come from Magento and we use manual orders for those who come from traditional channels.


It would help us a lot if there were an automation rule that allows to set a maximum length for customer names. In essence, it would automatically left trim the customer names to a user defined character length. 


I hope it can be implemented somewhat quickly. Thank you,




Hey there @labrecquev! Thanks so much for continuing to be post and be apart of this community. You are truly appreciated!


While we cannot bring this to fruition immediately, this feedback is great to have on file and we appreciate you bringing this to our attention.



From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!