06-10-2023 02:04 PM
Hello ,I am trying how to find out how to download import/export some data from shipstation.
On the Standalone Product Details page
under attributes, there is a field that says "description"
we use that field for our item bin location
I want to find a way to download a list of all our products, and this description field.
I would love to be able to import it as well once i can update them in Excel
06-20-2023 10:58 AM
Hey minkia38!
I use make.com to pull various data from the API, I was able to list all my products and the record includes the description. In my screenshot they call it "Internal Notes"
From here you can build a scenario in make to build a spreadsheet in Google Sheets or Office 365 and get your list of products and descriptions. It also looks like you can update products via the API but I am not messed around with that yet. Good luck!
06-27-2023 10:30 AM
Thank you for the post, I will research it, and hopefully I can get it to work, thanks!
06-20-2023 11:17 AM
Oh heres a good shipstation article on importing new products via CSV https://help.shipstation.com/hc/en-us/articles/360026158091-Add-Product-Records#UUID-a45afac9-1b33-f...
06-28-2023 05:03 AM
Also not mentioned yet--shipstation allows you create and save export formats, so you can choose whichever attributes you wish; you are not limited to the columns it displays by default.