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First-timer (legacy)
Status: Under Review
Please enable a feature that you can choose what printer will print labels. To be more specific: we want to print International Priority and express with the regular printer and the rest of the labels in the 4x6 printer.
First-timer (legacy)
ShipStation absolutely needs a feature to choose printers depending on what carrier I use. USPS shipping labels to be printed off on 1 printer. UPS shipping labels on another printer. We get branded UPS labels for FREE, and use two different Zebra printers รขโ‚ฌโ€ one loaded with FREE UPS labels, and one loaded with labels we pay for for USPS. ShipStation needs an automation rule for example that would send the label to a particular printer based on the carrier. Please add this feature to the system! Coming from, and the Endicia Professional desktop PC software, it is a HUGE inconvenience to use ShipStation's cumbersome printing system with 3 different printers. Yes 3, because we use a laser printer for international shipments. Please get this feature built in ShipStation! Thanks!
First-timer (legacy)
Users need to be able to configure ShipStation to automatically use different printers for different carriers. This should be an easy task for one of your programmers, requiring no more than 8 hours of labor, one large bag of Cheetos and/or Funyuns, and one 12-pack of Mountain Dew. We'll be happy to donate the required munchies to have this feature built!
Occasional Contributor
This is a great idea! We use DHL for all international orders and we get free labels from them. We are unable to use those labels, since we use USPS for domestic orders. Jeff
Super User
Super User
The international label barcodes are very small. Our printer can only print them on very slow settings. If this was implemented we could ship so much faster!
First-timer (legacy)
Is there any update on this?
First-timer (legacy)
Hi Charity, thanks for your feedback. We are still investigating the best way to allow for automation processes to override the account-wide printing settings that ShipStation currently uses. However, we don't have any ETA on when this feature will be available.
First-timer (legacy)
Just chatted with support on this same issue. 4x6 labels don't work very well for international shipments that often have very small text and it looks horibble on 4x6. being able to print these on a regular printer would be ideal, since we have to put the multiple sheets in a sleeve anyway.
First-timer (legacy)
We process Domestic and International orders. Domestic labels are printed on Eparcel Stickers 4" x 6" and international are printed on A4. The goal for International is to be able to print A4 Labels (w/packing slips) while still leaving Domestic 4" x 6" labels to be printed (w/o packing slips) as packing slips still need to be on A4 paper not on SATO stickers.
First-timer (legacy)
Hi ShipStation, It's another 12 months, since your last update here, and getting dangerously close to a decade since this was first requested. Will this be added to your roadmap? Thanks in advance
First-timer (legacy)
Can I add different printers/ labels depending on carrier