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Double copies of everything

Occasional Contributor

Since there is virtually no help from ship station ( i have sent a e-mail but no answer...not surprised) I was hoping someone could direct me regarding copies.

 Every time I print a label or shipping  receipt it prints in Im just wasting labels like crazy.

 I have zero idea on how to fix...been to settings, printer etc.. I have tried but obviously missing something...You would think , settings, print options...but no that would be too easy.


Hey there @EZswitch


I'm sorry to hear of the double printing you're talking about there. I am glad to hear that you've started a ticket with our support team! That is certainly the right thing to do. Please double check any sort of spam folder as well, for potentially improperly responses from us. In the meantime, I will reach out to my team to ensure a response is provided if it hasn't been already πŸ™‚ 


As for the actual issue you're seeing. My first idea to identify the origin of the issue would be to confirm if this is the case regardless of printer or computer used. Tests for this would be to gather the knowledge that if you are able to print normally to other printers on the same workstation, or if other users can print from that same printer without issue. The results of these tests, whatever they may be, will be tremendously helpful. 


I hope this helps! 

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!

Occasional Contributor

Everything else that uses the printer makes one copy. Its just when using Ship Station. I thought there was a setting in the print set up on ship station that had the ability to choose 2 copies instead of one, but I see nothing like that...or am I missing something?

Thanks for getting back to us @EZswitch


There are no such "double printing" settings to my knowledge, but I will reach out to my team internally as well. Please also be on the lookout for a response to your support ticket. πŸ™‚ 

Something else did come to mind though, if you happen to be using a Rollo printer, you may want to attempt to print directly thru the browser or a downloaded PDF as another testing step. I only mention this due to the tip I found in this Knowledge Base article about ShipStation Printing.


From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!

fix your product. working for shipstation must be terrible

Occasional Contributor

Did you get this resolved (hopefully!)? We had the same issue this week, uninstalled and reinstalled shipstation connect from the computer and it fixed the issue.  



Very glad to see that you resolved the behavior with the uninstall/reinstall! πŸ™‚ 

From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you!

New Contributor

I had the same issue, and it had to do with the flaky ShipStation connect Windows app. I don't remember but there's a secret command you do, to get the app to open, then REMOVE all of the connected computers. Then re-connect it to a workstation. After doing this 2 or 3 times it resolved the issue.  If you're using the Connect app to share a printer with multiple workstations, this may be your problem. Also make sure you have completely uninstalled the old version and install only the latest version. (For some reason even, the link (inside of ShipStation) to download Connect was pointing to the old version.)

Occasional Contributor

uninstalling and Installing it again worked. Perfect fix


I'm having the same issue come back. I uninstalled and reinstalled the first time which was about 2 months ago. Now it's happening again. Is there a way to fix this?

Hello @cfc


Thanks for being a part of our community and reaching out.  If you have already uninstalled and reinstalled, I would recommend reaching out directly to our support team to continue looking into this.


-Erin: Your Friendly Neighborhood ShipStation Community Manager 


Occasional Contributor

yes, look for a different shipping method, thats our only choice. They can't fix it or they would respond


same problem here and there is nothing that we can think of that triggered it. 

Hello @EZswitch  and @littlefarmhouse


Thank you both for reaching out and for being a part of our community. If you are experiencing duplicated printing I would reach out to our support team to start a ticket as they have access to tools to help them look into this further. 


-Erin: Your Friendly Neighborhood ShipStation Community Manager 

Occasional Contributor

Your support team didn't answer the first time and now its has happened again. Only this time its 5 copies of every label. They have not answered this time either. What would you do? move on to a different company...hmmm probably

Im having the same problem even after I re-install the software a few days later it prints 5 labels of same at one time!!!!!!! Shipstaion doesnt seem to have an answer but unintsall re-install  which does not correct problem forever

it's happening to me too 😞

Occasional Contributor

Double copies of labels are generally caused by two things:

1. You have an old version of Connect installed - you should be on v4.10.0.

2. You have two instances of Connect running on your computer. I have a response on 12/20 that explains how to look for this.

Hello amazing community members, 


I can see that we are seeing an influx of this occuring. I would strongly recommend that everyone who has posted here also reports this to support via chat or email at Remember that this is the way we keep track of potential emerging issues and evaluate its impact so we can prioritize solutions. 


I will also be forwarding this feedback but it is very important that everyone reports this via support as well. 


-Erin: Your Friendly Neighborhood ShipStation Community Manager 


Occasional Contributor

Why would we do this? It takes forever for you all to respond to anything and the messages/responses on here seemed canned. 

New Contributor

Just started happening to me over the last week or two, I did install the recent update to connect and that fixed it temporarily, but it has started again, mine prints 3 copies of all my labels! Very annoying. I have messaged support.


It is just start happening to print 2 copies of all the labels. It is crazy when I realized that it printed a batch of 48 labels double and I was about to make double shipment of everthing. If it happened quiet very expensive. Any solution of this ?

Occasional Contributor

This just started printing 2 copies of labels and SCAN forms this morning

I am sure that it will print 2 or more copies of packing lists later today when I print them

I started a chat with support but it currently has no response sine 7:30 this morning

And the connect was just starting to work like it should without having to refresh after each label was printed


Same thing here!

This is getting annoying


New Contributor

I am seeing the same issue of double printing, as well as my workstation being deactivated several times a week. I have to uninstall and reinstall at least 4 times a week. Beyond ridiculous, and to answer the previous moderator about starting a ticket, that is a preposterous suggestion. They have never answered any inquiry I have made in years. They are unreachable and offer zero help. I agree with EZSwitch and will begin looking for a new company. 

New Contributor

I'm also seeing the same issue.  First it started with 2 at a time, then 4 at a time, and now 5 at a time.  I've tried restarting and reinstalling.

New Contributor

I'm also seeing the same issue. 3 or 4  of the same was printed.

please fix the bug.


Shipstation Connect is without a doubt the worst software ever made.  


Had this problem start today. After playing around with it, wasn't able to fix it. If I hit create label and then download it and follow those steps I can print just one, but it was slowing me down to much with all the extra steps. Please fix this problem Shipstation.

Occasional Contributor

I find it interesting that this is a widespread issue. As a merchant with MANY users, I've had a number of emails enter my inbox this week with users asking why this is happening. It appears to be getting worse, and our only solution has been to restart both computer and printer.

I will reach out to support and see if I can get some eyes on the issue.

New Contributor

I win. Mine recently started printing 43 copies of each label!!

Brutal! I thought mine was bad at 11 copies per label!

Occasional Contributor

@Manager-Erin Today ShipStation started printing 3 of the same label for every order. Looks like we're not alone on this one. This happened a couple months ago, too. Any fixes in sight? Thanks!

Occasional Contributor

I worked with a great support team member today. They have been instructed to have users uninstall and reinstall the latest version of ShipStation Connect, while their Senior Support team and developers look into the root cause.

Occasional Contributor

@FFeet Did that work for you?

Occasional Contributor

This appears to be working for myself and other users. I noticed that this also installed a newer version of SS Connect - the update was v4.7.0 to v4.9.0. There might be issues with the old version.

New Contributor

Still happens on version 4.9.0

Today I was getting 5 copies of everything. 

I emailed support a week ago. No response yet.

I did try the support chat bot. It suggested a solution of de-activating the workstation. Then closing and restarting shipstation connect, re-adding the printer afterwards in shipstation.

This did work, however the very next day I was back to multiple copies.

Occasional Contributor

Good to know @admin96 . The latest information I received from Support and Dev team is that a fix is being implemented today or tomorrow. This will cover multiple versions of Connect, including v4.9.0.


Glad I'm not alone hopefully they read these threads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New Contributor

I've read what people said that the Shipstation staff told them the 4.9.0 version was all good. Well I just got 4 copies this afternoon with the 6th install of that particular gem this week. Once you uninstall and reinstall, it's good for that first printing usually, but it just starts again randomly when it feels like it. They said that they are working on the bug, but since they also said 4.9.0 works, I am sadly not expecting a positive result.