Showing ideas with label Schedule Pickup.
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I make a shipment today and try to schedule a pickup. The shipment is dated today, but the cutcuff to schedule a pickup is midnight last night. I can't schedule the pickup today because it's past the cutoff, and I can't schedule a pickup for tomorrow because the shipment is dated today.
I should be able to schedule a pickup tomorrow for any pending shipment, even shipments that were dated earlier. This is also a problem if, say, your courier misses a scheduled pickup. In the current system it would never get picked up because you can't schedule a pickup for past shipments, only if the dates are exactly the same.
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When schedule a USPS pickup it is required to have a contact record. However, if a mistake is made this pickup person is permanent, there is no way to edit or even remove them. In our case, we tried several times before realizing contents were required in the Notes field so the first several are invalid and we would like to be able to remove them.
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It seems the only thing that cannot be accomplished on mobile (at least in my use case) is scheduling a carrier pickup. We use the account for UPS so they don't come everyday, nor do we ship everyday.
I would love to see scheduling a carrier pickup become a feature for the mobile app.
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