Showing ideas with status Under Review.
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Please automatically update all orders at least once per hour. The frequency right now is anywhere from once per week to once per couple days. This isn't nearly enough.
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I want to delay shipment notification to my customers until their package hits the USPS mail stream. The documentation at
says that if I use a supported carrier, "you'll be able to set up Delayed Shipment Notifications based on when the shipment first hits the mailstream". Customer support, however, says that this doesn't work unless marketplace notification is also happening. I don't see why one has anything to do with the other - my carrier is USPS/ and SS is talking to it. My marketplace is Paypal and I don't really care if it's updated or not.
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It sure would be helpful to have a icon on the "Buyer / Recipient Info" dialog box to click on to see where the customer is located.
Currently I copy and paste into google maps. Sure would be nice for a one click feature.
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Would be nice to be able to set the package for an order without having to also set the service. Service has already been selected by our website customer and imported into ShipStation so there is no need to change it. You can already set dimensions in a rule so why not package?
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Under Review
Submitted on
04:28 PM
Submitted by
04:28 PM
It would be nice if we could split multiple orders simultaneously. We usually deal with 10k + orders that we have to split. It takes up a lot of time to split these orders especially since my team is small. This would speed up our process.
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As part of our business we have customers return us packages all the time and we would like to automate an email to be sent to them once we mark their package as received in ShipStation.
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Under Review
Submitted on
12:41 PM
Submitted by
12:41 PM
Please add phone number to Advanced Search criteria.
When a customer calls and leaves a message in most cases phone number is all we have to find his order.
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We had many orders that didn't get delivered by the carrier estimated delivery dates during the holiday ordering period. Now, I'd like to request refunds on the delivery fees, but have to backtrack manually to get this information. It'd be great to have both the delivery estimate from the carrier and the actual delivery date as exportable columns.
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Under Review
Submitted on
09:02 AM
Submitted by
09:02 AM
Combine the Preset Group Customs Declaration Descriptions
Currently the only way that customs descriptions get combined is if you edit each product. So I would like to see our Preset Groups declarations combined on the customs forms.
As it sits with preset groups customs, you will get the same preset group name over and over with a qty of 1. Instead of combining the descriptions and quantity.
Hopefully that is clear
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Under Review
Submitted on
02:54 PM
Submitted by
02:54 PM
Working with third party suppliers who are fulfilling orders for us we need the ability to hide the unit $ and the total $.
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We handle quite a few manual orders where one client will order for multiple locations. It would be nice if multiple locations could be tied to the same email address. Right now, it just keeps the last order used by that email in the customer records so we have to manually type the address each time. Either that or being able to save customer shipping information using something other than an email address (phone # maybe???) to keep it saved in the system.
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Currently you can only Mark one Order as Paid at a time. This is extremely cumbersome. I was chatting with support and they even told me it was possible, because the GUI makes it appear so. You are allowed to select all orders on the page and then click the Mark as Paid button, enter your Amount Paid and Shipping Paid info and submit...and you think it's going to work, but then it only Marks the top order in your selection. Such a tease! Boooooo. I'm on my way to go manually mark 75 orders as Paid, so I'll check back here in 30-45 minutes to see if I've gotten any votes. Hopefully I don't fall asleep during this tedious process.
And for the record, check out all the other times this has been suggested and archived(I found these in a 2 minute search, there are likely more):
Can we move all of those votes to this feature request since they are archived?
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We would like to set a schedule of when it could import our orders similar to auto-periodically, but the feature of putting the time of when shipstation automatically start importing orders. This would save us 30 to 60 mins.
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One of the biggest red flags in a fraudulent transaction with a stolen credit card is that the Billing Address and Shipping Address DO NOT MATCH.
I believe ShipStation should have a literal RED FLAG column in the orders screen that shows a RED FLAG when there is a mismatch between the billing address and shipping address. This way we can go in and look at the order in more detail to see if there is further indication a stolen credit card was used.
This would save us LOTS of money. For example, in the last 2 weeks alone I got hit with $1000 in stolen card charges.
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Under Review
Submitted on
05:52 AM
Submitted by
05:52 AM
We have 165 international orders from a Kickstarter project (along with about 1,600 domestic). The international orders were imported WITHOUT customs information provided. It would be EXTREMELY helpful to be able to "batch" add information for customs to all of these orders. Just fyi, we do not have these orders linked to "products/items." We would simply like to bulk apply information to all of these orders. Unfortunately, there is not a feature that allows me to do so with customs information. Huge pain...
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Under Review
Submitted on
06:37 AM
Submitted by
06:37 AM
A built-in returns manager would be very useful for our business. Our needs would be relatively simple, and some of this functionality already exists:
1. We would include a printed pre-paid return label with every package we ship.
2. We would be able to track open returns in ShipStation, i.e., return labels that are currently in transit
3. Unused return labels would automatically deactivate after X days for a refund
4. When we receive returns, we would mark them as "Received" in ShipStation, which would automatically send the customer 1 of 2 possible template emails: either we accept the return and will issue a refund, or the return is declined for some reason.
The reason this is useful for us is because other return managers require customers using some sort of online form, and it would be nice to simply include the return documents with each shipment. Also, other return managers determine the return window based on the date of purchase (e.g., returns accepted within 30 days of purchase), rather than date of shipment -- since our handling time is anywhere from 1-3 weeks, it's better for us to start the clock when an order ships.
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To get accurate rates we've been adding the weights of packaging to the weights of each of our SKUs. But when multiple SKUs are ordered at once, the weight ends up being higher and we could potentially be over-charged.
If we could input weights for our packages we've created under "Your Packaging" we could input the actual weight of each SKU and could end up with more accurate order weights and shipping rates.
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We need to print return labels in bulk. With shipstation, we have to do this one label at a time which is tedious. We should be able to make return labels in batches, just like we are able to create labels in batches. One label at a time just does not make any sense at all.
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Under Review
Submitted on
03:15 AM
Submitted by
03:15 AM
In our business we have multiple forms of insurance on our shipments as we sell a lot of laptop computers and need to make sure it is safe. Within our FedEx Account we have discounted rates and special policies so we only need to apply a set amount of insurance to each package as it is cheaper to insure it for more or less than the sell price usually.
The current option in Automation Rules only allows you to set the Insurance to Carrier, ShipStation Insurance or External/Other.
The ability to set the amount of insurance on the shipment as well would really help us speed our shipping process and i'm sure others as well.
So using a Filter to check the Order Total if it is Higher or Lower than a set price we would use Automation to adjust it to what we need.
Sell a product at $699.99.
Order Filter: Order Total is greater than or equal to $500, Order Total is less than $1000.
Automation: Insure the package with Carrier. Set insurance amount to $750.
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When insuring a package, we want to be able to insure just the COST of the product if damaged or went missing, not the RETAIL VALUE. Currently your software takes the full retail value and uses that to determine the insurance amount. This doesn't make sense as shipping carriers will only reimburse you on the cost, not the retail value.
This is a fault, as no system is set up like this.
If I lose a $1000 item, but it only cost me $100, Fedex will only credit me $100.
So why am I paying insurance on $1000 if Iêd never get refunded that?
Iêd be spending like $10 extra on insurance, for an item Iêd never even get credited for.
Lets update this right away. It's not feasible to manually change the insurance on every order for a bigger company.
Thank you
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