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Scan to Print Scale not Working

Occasional Contributor

I'm posting this here to see if others are having the same issue. Shipstation support has been working on the issue for the past 13 days.

When in Scan to Print, the scale is not reading weight properly. First it wasn't showing a correct weight and wasn't changing weight from each scan. We did all of the troubleshooting, uninstalled and re-installed shipstation connect, deleted old SS files from the computer, cleared cache, tested in incognito, etc. This caused the scale to start reading however at 10x the correct weight. This seemed to indicate that the scale simply needed to be switched to high capacity mode. However it was already set to this, we un-checked and rechecked the setting with no results.

The oddest part is that when in Printing > Shipstation Connect > and I click Read for the scale it always shows the correct weight! So the error is only in Scan to Print.

Obviously having to manually enter weights when we're trying to process 2k shipments per day is devastating to our productivity.


New Contributor

I am also having a similar issue with scan to print.  Our scale will successfully read the first order, but it stops pulling weight for any orders after.  I also deleted old files, cleared cache and tested in incognito.  Still having this issue.


Also having this problem. And often even in the Orders tab you have to request it read the weight several times. Even in the config screen you will get frequent blank values returned.

I think they really need to go back to the drawing board and rewrite ShipStation Connect, it is horribly unusable for us and has been for far too long. We are running on macOS using Chrome, and have done more cache clears than a human should have to endure, but it never fixes anything.

@torivt Did you ever get any help from ShipStation?  Are you on Windows or Mac?  Thanks!

Occasional Contributor

They did get it fixed for us. We use Chrome on PCs with Mettler Toledo scales. 

We used to have issues w/ users logging in to Shipstation w/ the wrong credentials since we have 2 computers and this confused Shipstation Connect. But I agree, it's so buggy and finicky!

Hello @scmsteve


Thank you for being a part of our community and for reaching out. 


I wanted to check in with you, are you still experiencing issues with this? Also have you been able to reach out to support? 


-Erin: Your Friendly Neighborhood ShipStation Community Manager 


No, it is not resolved. I sent further details to support and as we have typically found in the past they no longer reply or offer additional help.

Hello @scmsteve


Thank you for your response. 


I am sorry to hear if that was ever the case in the past. I found your current ticket,  and can see that the support team is working on your case with our developers . Hopefully they are able to help get to the bottom of things with you. 


-Erin: Your Friendly Neighborhood ShipStation Community Manager 



I have the same issue with my Mettler Toledo Scale. 
Interesting note for everyone: When processing the orders on an individual order basis (which I never do), the correct weight data is transferred to shipstation correctly. However, when I use the Scan to Verify & Print feature (which I use on every single order), the scale will 10x the data... And yes, the scale is set to high capacity mode for this scale.

A workaround for this scale is to have the scale read the data in kg, and it will transmit the correct weight in the Scan to Verify & Print function properly. It seems like the developers have that function setup to read in KG and not LBS! would be my guess.


Occasional Contributor

Still having issues in 2024. What we found is that the weight displayed in the "Scan to Print" workflow when first scanned is the sum of the weight entered in the Product database, despite the "Use Scale" option being checked. If you lift the package up and set it back down, it then reads the scale correctly.

Our best guess is that the ShipStation Connect software is only sending weights when the scale changes. It should read the scale at least once after the barcode is scanned, but it just uses the product weight in the database instead. Our work-around is to scan the slip, then put the package on the scale, or to jostle the package after you scan forcing another weight signal to be sent.