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First-timer (legacy)
Status: Under Review I found the print drop down options did not do what I expected. The option for labels prints both the label and packing slips. The packing slip option just prints packing slips. What do you think about it being: --Labels (just labels) --Packing Slips (just slips) --Both (both)
Occasional Contributor
Efficiency. 2 buttons takes extra time. And if you're trying to collate packages into shipping methods and then print the packing slips and labels, it's not just 2 buttons instead of 1. It's 16 buttons instead of 8. Overall I'm not impressed so far on the efficiency of clicks in ShipStation, especially for a company so dedicated to efficiency that it created the whole automation rule functionality (which is great by the way).
First-timer (legacy)
Your link is dead: Can you post the correct url or put the procedure here to print packing slip and shipping label simultaneously?
First-timer (legacy)
A feature that allows printing the packing slip by ITEM SKU numbers would be fantastic for our business! Sadly it is not yet a feature as I was informed by customer support 😞
First-timer (legacy)
Hi, The same formats as normal e.g. 4x6", but with the option to print different components e.g.: -Shipping Label -Packing Slip -Label & Slip
First-timer (legacy)
The option to print labels for multi-piece shipments on separate sheets when using 8.5 x 11 format would be very important for our business. Currently it prints two labels on one sheet, which means my warehouse has to cut/tear the sheet to apply to two different pieces.
First-timer (legacy)
Hi, I hope these print label/packing slip function can flexibly apply to different store. Each store can have different print labels option.
Occasional Contributor
I strongly agree with this suggestion. I've been a user for 4-5 years. I, on a daily basis, need to re-print only the shipping label for an order; so I unfortunately am always throwing away extra labels because I already have the packing slip printed. I can obviously go out of my way to print it via browser or PDF and then print only the shipping label but honestly it's not worth the extra time & steps. For us, nothing would need to change in regard to document/label formats.. Our packing slips & labels are always 4x6, just needing the 3 options in the print button drop-down, as Alex Gierczyk mentioned --- Packing Slip | Shipping Label | Both
First-timer (legacy)
We have a 4x6 label printer for the shipping labels and an 8.5x11 printer for packing slips. When we print a 4x6 shipping label we need the 8.5x11 slip will be printed automatically. We need to print shipping labels and packing slips on two different printers at the same time using one button.
New Contributor
This would be a great feature, when using the "create label" button it sends to the 4x6 label printer, it auto prints an invoice on 8.5x11. Its part of the daily work flow, now we have to create label first, then choose from the "Docs" or "print" menu to select print invoice. its 2 separate steps, that could easily be one. Could this please be a toggle checkbox option? Perhaps some don't need it, but most of us do and would be a great help! Not everyone makes use of the batch label and invoice function. We do them one at a time, and this would be an important improvement. In fact it is the only single feature we find missing from Shipstation that is available in other software!
First-timer (legacy)
I too want to send label and packing slip print jobs simultaneously to two different printers. Our packing slips are better suited to 8.5" x 11" sheets of paper so the inline on the label printer feature doesn't cut it for our business.