Showing ideas with label Checkout Rates.
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Provide Real Time Carrier rates for eCommerce integration - or provide UPS/USPS/FedEx credentials so we can use 3rd party plugins to pull the rates.
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Desperately pleading, begging, and asking for a way to have the Similar Checkout Options show with Shopify integration. Right now, it overrides to only show the cheapest setting, but this alienates a lot of customers. If UPS Ground is cheaper, USPS Priority doesn't show and vice versa. When UPS is overridden, it alienates ALL P.O. box customers from order. There are just customers that flat out would rather have USPS or UPS handle their orders over the other. I don't believe having the ability to have 2-3 similar options at checkout takes away from anything and only helps businesses, so why is this not an option?
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A huge part of showing live rates to customers is for them to be able to see, in a transparent way how much shipping costs, especially compared to our free shipping tiers. By default, shipstation seems to have opted to show only the cheapest rate to customers using because "similar options are available". So, first of all, UPS Next Day Air is not a "similar option" to USPS. Second of all, it is not up to *shipstation* to decide what our customer wants, it is up to our customer. Some people prefer UPS because they live in a rural area, some people need priority mail. Showing only one rate because someone at shipstation decided that is the only way it can be is not good for us our or customers. What is strangest about this is that it seems like someone worked to implement this and not give the option to turn it off. Please allow us, the business owners to decide whether the true decision maker, the customer gets to decide what they prefer for live shipping rates.
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This is posted numerous times but I'm told by customer service to post it again. All rates should be available for real time rates. Consumers should be presented with the options and be able to choose the delivery service time, provider, and cost that best suits their needs and budget. Ideally let it be configurable if a store wants to show just the least expensive or all options. Please address this.
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One of the problems with international shipping (even domestic shipping) is charging our customers the correct amount for shipping costs.
While Shipstation allows us to calculate the costs for shipping, there is no way to charge our customers the correct amount, but it seems Shipstation has a solution to this problem that they're not utilizing.
Shipstation has a developer API that allows developers to get information such as shipping rates, but this isn't being used in any of the integrations.
If they implement this into their integrations for e-commerce CMS's such as Magento & Opencart, customers will be able to see shipping rates based on the items they are ordering (by size and weight) when they checkout. They can then choose what service they want to use, and get charged accordingly.
This will make shipping, especially international shipping, quick, easy and stress free, knowing that shipping costs are 100% covered by our customers.
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Submitted on
09:58 AM
Submitted by
09:58 AM
Integrate Shipstation into Big Commerece For real Time Quotes for
UPS Freight
Fed Ex
Fed Ex Freight
basically any account already available for quotes in Shipstation and with ability to add modify services offered and Shippers.
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Submitted on
12:11 PM
Submitted by
12:11 PM
To have real-time shipping rates available for our customers in check-out, shopify has everyone register with USPS web tools api. There is also an easy ship option to pull through pricing. I'm really actually surprised that shipstation hasn't done this yet. It'd be nice to have our shipping costs from shipstation reflected for our customers in checkout, either with an api or something.
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It would be highly profitable for ShipStation if you where to implement this feature:
1. Collaborate with BigCommerce to enable bigcommerce to request real-time shipping rates from ShipStation (who would request it from the users configured carriers)
2. After ShipStation provides the realtime rates back to bigcommerce, have bigcommerce display these rates in the shopping cart "Estimate Shipping" and during the Checkout process.
This will really make ShipStation stand out as an attractive option for bigcommerce users looking for better shipping management.
The ShipStation API already provides support for retrieving shipping rates. It would not be too difficult for BigCommerce to add support to pull in real-time rates from the ShipStation app.
Perhaps it would even be in ShipStations business interests to write the integration yourselves on behalf of BigCommerce. That way bigcommerce users would have added incentive to sign up for ShipStation, since then they could get real-time shipping rates in their Checkout that match up perfectly with their shipping costs (prevent undercharging for shipping) and would even show real-time rates for carriers that ShipStation supports but that do not have native integration in bigcommerce.
Please vote for this feature request 😉
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