Amazon has recently introduced their "Transparency" to better track inventory and to ensure its authenticity. We carry dozens of transparency enabled products which for merchant fulfilled orders require us to scan and upload transparency codes to Amazon that are scanned off the product. Currently this upload process is manual. We'd like for ShipStation to add a feature through the Amazon API that allows a scanned transparency code to be uploaded to the order and transmitted to Amazon when tracking information is transmitted.
More on Amazon's Transparency program here:
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I ship smokeless powder which qualifies as Hazmat, a feature I need. Please, as we are Mac based, UPS seems to have no plans for an Apple version of World Ship and Hazmat has to be computer generated.
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It would be great if we would be able to display live shipping rates at WooCommerce Cart and Checkout pages utilizing Shipstation API without having to rely on third parties.
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Under Review
Submitted on
01:40 PM
Submitted by
01:40 PM
Add a field in the response for get shipment and get order to indicate if the shipment has been delivered.
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Provide Real Time Carrier rates for eCommerce integration - or provide UPS/USPS/FedEx credentials so we can use 3rd party plugins to pull the rates.
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Line-items properties in Shopify typically represent item options, such as special instructions (e.g., the text for an inscription). These are automatically imported to ShipStation as part of the line-item's [Item Options] field, which can optionally displayed on Packing Slip Templates.
Sometimes, however, these are used for internal communications between e.g. Shopify apps. To support this, Shopify themes have a built-in convention where line-item properties prefixed with an underscore (e.g., _internalOption) are hidden from the customer:
Unfortunately, while these will be hidden on Shopify, they will be displayed on packing slips as part of the [Item Options] property (alongside valid customer options).
Ideally, ShipStation would either a) remove these when importing orders from Shopify, or b) hide these when displaying the [Item Options] field. (Acknowledging the latter would affect all customers, not just Shopify customers, and thus may be too invasive).
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We often need to make notes regarding an Etsy order. It would be nice if the private notes section of the Etsy order was automatically synced with the Internal Notes section in Shipstation.
Since all communication with the customers is done on Etsy, when a small changes or note is needed we then need to log into shipstation and add it in Internal notes. It would be much quicker if we could simply add once on the page we are already on and let it sync over to SS.
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Etsy Ship By date should import into ShipStation.
Many Etsy users sell home made products that need specific ship by dates as they need to be hand made after the order is placed.
This Ship By date can change dependent on the amount of products a user orders and is ever changing. With it not being static, It would be greatly beneficial to import the Ship By from your Etsy connection.
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ChitChats is a new shipping platform available in Canada. It allows us to ship products around the world for a fraction of the price of normal carriers. They are expanding at a rapid rate and I only foresee us using them more in the future. We want to be able to track our ChitChat shipments via ShipStation so we can keep customers updated on their order tracking. Please consider adding them to your carriers!
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Submitted on
11:36 AM
Submitted by
11:36 AM
Hi, We use ShipStation domestically only. ShipStation doesn't have the ability to ship international orders when the individual commodity's are worth more than $2500.00 without additional customs documents. When we signed up for ShipStation we were under the impression that everything was handled through ShipStation until we were contacted by the carriers seeking customs documents. Please add support for EEI filing through the carriers to fix this. For international shipments we have been forced to ship through the individual carriers, fixing this issue would bring a lot more business to ShipStation. There is a demand for this! Who has time to Vote on "Fresh Ideas" when you're busy filling out Customs Documents?
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All the other Selling Channels have this... Kind of a no-brainer, dontcha think?????
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Allow custom package types, setup in SHIPPING > PACKAGES > Your Packaging, to be passed via the API. We import shipment data via API to Tableau reporting server. Having NULL values under package type makes it tough to report on volume for specific package types.
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Deliverr is the Walmart's 2Day shipping program. In order to be competitive with Amazon they are now offering the same shipping times.
Having this integrated with Shipstation would help make for a smooth transition to faster shipping option for Walmart.
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Submitted on
09:40 PM
Submitted by
09:40 PM
All of my global shipping is via UPS WorldWide Economy. Please support this class of service!!!
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Under Review
Submitted on
06:57 PM
Submitted by
06:57 PM
Add an Intergration for (basically ebay for hunting / shooting accessories) is the world's largest online auction site for firearms and hunting/shooting accessories.
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Allow delivery to UPS Access Points. According to UPS, this requries a different kind of label, and the cost is a little different - somewhere between ground to a commercial address and ground to a residential address.
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Can SS enable having more than one FBA account linked to a SS account? We ship products for multiple companies, each with their own FBA account, but can only link a single FBA account to our SS account.
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Submitted on
12:17 PM
Submitted by
12:17 PM
Automated Rule for comparing 2 or more shipping options and choosing least expensive.
We ship using FedEx, UPS, and USPS.
It would save us a huge amount of time and money each year if each order would automatically pick the cheapest shipping option between selected carriers.
For example:
1. Order # 1234567 for a "blue widget" gets imported into SS with dimensions 8" X 6" X 4" and weighs 11lbs
2. Automated Rule checks price for FedEx Home Delivery, UPS Ground, and USPS Priority mail Package.
3. FedEx: $12, UPS $12.50, USPS $11.50
4. Order # 1234567 automatically gets assigned to USPS Priority Mail Package since it's cheapest.
This information already exists in SS, but it requires manually changing between each shipping service. This is impractical especially when a business ships thousands of order per month.
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It would be nice to include Canadian Carriers such as Loomis Express for finding rates
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We track everything in our shop by UPC. Since our Amazon SKU's do not have the UPC in them it would be great if you could pull in the UPC from Amazon orders so that we have easy access to the UPC when preparing shipments.
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