Submitted on
09:31 AM
Submitted by
09:31 AM
Automatically schedule a Fedex pickup thru Shipstation without having to go to Fedex's website
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We urgently require more Australian Couriers. We need TNT, Couriers Please and Fastway!
The lack of available Australian Couriers is very poor and needs to be urgently improved!
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It would be nice to have Google Express / Shopping Actions integrated into Shipstation. I would like to see this happen anytime before the end of the year.
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The Royal Mail integration is generally well done but we're still having to manually write custom declaration labels for non-EU shipments.
Having moved from a cheaper shipping platform that offered automated labels (exactly like UPS) this is a step backward.
Can we please have declaration labels for Royal Mail. The digital declaration is going to be required very soon by RM I believe so ShipStation may not be compliant.
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Parcelforce is part of Royal Mail and a large carrier service in the UK, please consider an integration to expand the options available to the UK.
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We have to check the box for "Notify Market Place" for every single shipment. If a user forgets, the marketplace doesn't get updated and we have orders sitiing in our website listed as processing.
Seeing as to how having that box unchecked would be the rarity, and having it checked would be the majority, I feel this should be default checked with the option to uncheck if necessary.
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Etsy is getting ready to integrate gift wrapping and gift messages into their sales platform. I'm hoping there will be an alert for each order containing this information within ShipStation once it goes into effect. Gift messages are going to be made available to all orders at no charge, so every Etsy seller will have to deal with them whether they want to or not, and I am concerned I'll get a gift message request and not know about it.
Ideally, I would also like to see a way to print ONLY gift message packing slips and not every packing slip in a batch, since I don't typically include packing slips with my orders.
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Submitted on
07:15 AM
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07:15 AM
Please allow integration for Walmart Canada selling channel. I have Walmart USA set up but I need integration for Walmart Canada.
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Submitted on
12:38 PM
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12:38 PM
Ebay has introduced a new "Delivery Guarantee" that offers us the ability to guarantee delivery time OR handling time for packages.
If we choose the Guaranteed Handling Time option, Ebay will guarantee the delivery, and if it's late, they'll refund the customer the shipping. The only catch is they are (so far) going to require we use Ebay labels to print postage for packages, which is time consuming versus using ShipStation. Could your API developers please reach out to Ebay and see if we could get ShipStation as a "qualified provider" so we can keep using SS and still be part of the "Delivery Guarantee program?"
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It would be really nice if, when you ship using FedEx, you could have an option to automatically schedule a FedEx pickup without having to go to their website separately and request a pickup.
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We are looking at connecting with Toll priority as a new carrier with our online store. Wandering if this is a carrier you would be looking at integrating with your platform?
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Submitted on
06:28 PM
Submitted by
06:28 PM
Shipstation has but no integration. Can this be a quick implentation since your USA store should not differ much to platform.
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Submitted on
07:24 AM
Submitted by
07:24 AM
I would like a new carrier for the Southeast regional. I've heard Laser Ship is great but I'm open to anyone with great rates that's doing same day & next day shipping.
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As I am sure that many of us use SalesForce for our CRM, it would be great if ShipStation would take all of our customer transaction data and put it into our SalesForce ORG and enable us to ship directly through SalesForce. Sending return labels through SalesForce would also be awesome!
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